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Showing posts from January, 2019

Week 5: Response to "Cultural Paradigms"

1/30/19 I like this quote because it is related to our topic of cultural paradigms. According to Tsiopinis, Nikolaos A. (Nikos, 2005) cultural paradigms are all-embracing 'ways of life' whereby communities are given shape. At the same time, these paradigms remain fluid enough to allow for diffusion and penetration of the "other" and even pollination by the other; what we also call affinity to relate. Thus, individuals can experience the collective validation of living and think with a paradigm that also embraced the truth by others, while contributing to the evolution and expansion of this description of truth.  I like the quote in of Elliot Eisner "Not everything that matter can be measured, and not everything that is measured matters. because it is related to our topic of cultural paradigms. Ivers, a professor at BYUI said that"paradigms differ immensely from culture to culture like," people have different ideas and concepts could diff...

Week 2: Response "Is the Great American Teacher Dead?

During this week reading the article "Is the Great American Teacher Dead? Principles to Resurrect Meaningful, Effective and Consciousness Raising Instruction by John J. Ivers professor at Brigham Young University, Idaho, In this article Ivers address some of the issues that teachers have faced and are continuing to face in the classroom. He mentioned that teachers have the mission to make things meaningful. I like the idea because teachers need to be exciting, inspiring, and engaged with their students. I believe that teachers can make a difference. They have the opportunity to help students to think deeply, and feel love for learning or what Ivers said: "Be romantic." We need to put an extra effort. Even though teaching is not always easy, because it brings ups and downs. We have the opportunity to find guidance from our Heavenly Father. We need to pray and teach by the spirit as we find in the scriptures because when we teach by the spirit we can penetrate hear...